This TV-quality animated film does the job of turning Netflix’s “Spirit Riding Free” series into a movie, targeted to pre-tween fans. Others should steer clear.
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All in Animated
This TV-quality animated film does the job of turning Netflix’s “Spirit Riding Free” series into a movie, targeted to pre-tween fans. Others should steer clear.
The strong batch of five finalists is made even stronger by the inclusion of three runners-up that may have merited their own nominations.
The iconic cat and mouse’s violent schtick quickly grows tiresome in this horrible animation/live-action hybrid.
The animated series experiences a major evolutionary leap forward in this fast and funny sequel.
The latest from Irish animation artist Tomm Moore is visually sumptuous and relates a captivating myth.
An all-star vocal cast and a creative premise help this animated charmer overcome a bumpy start.
The new animated Scooby-Doo adventures is a goofy and charming distraction.
The heavy-handed, brightly-colored sequel is full of ebullient nonsense, but nevertheless has a positive message at its core.
Stop-motion works comprise over half of this year’s nominees, but will one of the two computer-animated finalists take home the Academy Award?
With a somnolent Will Smith voicing an especially boring bird, and a tired supervillain plot line, there’s not much here to recommend.
Disney’s dullest characters return for another visually rich yet forgettable adventure.
The storytelling is Saturday morning quality; the production values are theatrical grade, but with little flair to divert anyone older than about seven.
It’s thoroughly engaging and consistently entertaining — as well as being shamelessly commercial.
It’s like Modern Family goes to Australia — beloved characters on amusing new adventures with only tangential connection to their original charms.
The director-less animated adventure is progressive, entertaining, and surprisingly dark.
The animated sequel is as fun and funny as its predecessor, though the increased reliance on live-action exposition is troubling.
A slightly twisted new effort from Pixar leads the field of five animated short films nominated for the 2019 Academy Award and playing at the Grail starting Feb. 8.