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Halina Reijn’s reign of mediocrity continues with Babygirl, a microscopic step up from the writer/director's atrocious Bodies Bodies Bodies that nevertheless establishes a pattern of creative ineptitude.

Essentially a loose, feature-length adaptation of Nicole Kidman’s naval officer fantasy in Eyes Wide Shut, the film bafflingly strips the would-be streamy affair between borderline nymphomaniac wife/mother Romy (Kidman) and her significantly younger mentee Samuel (Harris Dickinson) of sexiness and intrigue.

Along with the dullness in the bedroom, Reijn barely develops Romy’s cuckold husband Jacob (a bored Antonio Banderas) or their children, leaving the CEO’s career endangerment as the lone semi-engaging consequence of her risky actions.

Kudos to Kidman for her willingness to attempt such a daring role, to which she gives her all. But without much guidance from behind the camera, her efforts are largely for naught.

The dramatic emptiness results in a wait out the clock situation unbefitting of such an intriguing cast and premise. Buyer beware.

Grade: D-plus. Rated R. Now playing at AMC River Hills 10, Carolina Cinemark, and Regal Biltmore Grande.

(Photo: A24)

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